"Your program is so user friendly, just point & click. I was able to install and learn to use it in less than a week. Whenever I need support you guys are there."
State Barricading, South Bend, IN
"Barricade Software has very knowledgeable customer service, it is very easy to get answers to all of our support questions."
Guardway Corporation, Charlotte, NC
"We know exactly what's on every Job, because every call goes into the computer. When billing it saves me so much time, everything is ready to bill at any time. I used to have sticky notes plastered ..."
Gulf Coast traffic, Pensacola, FL
Record the order as it's taken, get all the instructions and a call back number, reprint the Work Order at any time with Barricade Software.
...Hey I'm out here on Route 56 near exit 15. I don't see anything.... Are you sure it was Route 56 exit 15 or was it Route 15 exit 56? You heard heavy equipment in the background. No...Really?
Record the order as you receive it, who ordered it, special instructions, the driver, even the time of day you want it done. In the background Barricade Software time stamps when the order was taken and when the Driver was assigned. And Invoicing is only a press of a button away...
...Nearest I can figure we delivered 150 on May 2nd, Picked up 100 on the 3rd and then delivered 240 the next day but the address on this ticket is not the same as on the first delivery. Jim says he remembers that the order seemed odd when he took it but he doesn't remember who called it in. Anyhow, we went to both addresses and there is nothing there ...
Having outstanding Work Orders? Barricade Software knows what's pending, who ordered it and when it should be done. Plus we can reprint it if you get mustard all over the original ...
...The white, green and salmon copies go out to the shop. The goldenrod copy goes to Mary. She uses that to create a Job File sheet, The Pink copy goes in the Bin by date for Pickups or deliveries. The blue goes to John, so he knows what Work Orders are open. When they deliver they get someone to sign the white copy and leave the green copy with that person. I'm not sure what happens with the Salmon copy. The white copy comes back and is used to pull the Pink copy from the bin and then get the blue copy from John and then give that to Mary to post the amounts to the Job File Sheet. It's all really very simple. I don't know why we need Barricade Software...
With Barricade Software you can train someone else to take the Orders, while you can devote your time to more important things ...
No , no trouble at all just let me get a pencil and something to write on.
.... Sorry honey..... Yeh, just a minute.....OK, so you want this delivered before 8:00 A.M. No problem. Go ahead I'm ready ...
With Barricade Software you record the order as it comes in, record who called, who took the order, the order is date and time stamped automatically. The dispatcher gives a confirmation number for the call. You can look up open Work Orders by Customer and Job and Invoicing is only a press of a button away ...
... You sure you talked to somebody in our shop on Thursday Morning. Was it a man or a woman? OK. Did he have any accent? Yeh, OK When he answered the phone did he say Bedlam Barricades or just Hello?. OK Good! Was it like a deep voice or more like a "through the nose" reedy kind of sound? OK OK Now we're getting somewhere. Did he say..........
With the Barricade Software Dispatch Schedule you can see every Work Order, by date, driver, and client, with scheduled time and special instructions. Sort it any way you like, at every workstation. Create the ticket while you are talking to your Client with Barricade Software, schedule the Work Order, assign a Driver and record who ordered it. It's all in there ...
... Yes sir, they are on the way. I heard Carol tell Joan that Frank was going to make up a ticket and get on the road.
I don't know who the driver is, but I don't see any trucks in the yard so they must be almost there...
How do you want to spend your weekends? With Barricade Software invoicing is a snap. Leaving you time to enjoy the fruits of your labors...
...Look honey it'll be fun. We'll get a sitter for the weekend. Go to a motel with a pool and sauna. We'll work on billing for a few hours and hop in the pool and sauna every once in a while. I bet we can knock Invoices out in a few days and have fun at the same time. Honeyyyy........
Lost track of your material? Barricade Software keeps accurate records of who ordered it, when it was ordered, what is on the Job, and all the Jobs each customer has open and...Invoicing is just a press of a button away.
"...Sure we'll pick that Job up right away. Who am I speaking to? John? Oh sure, with Winthrop Construction, No?... Bunsen Builders. Sorry, that's what I meant. We will be out to...uh, say what's the location? Heh heh, Of course we have a record of the job. Its just that we have so many Jobs for you guys. Only one! Hmmm...Well we have a truck going out there shortly. You have a Message board ? Been there since May? Don't happen to have 3 Arrowboards and 150 Barrels as well do ya?... No, just kidding!... Anyhow ..."
Invest in Barricade Software now to save money. You can reach us at 888.333.0083.
You can't believe how much easier life is with Barricade Software. I actually have time to get out of the shop now and then. I don't need to take all the calls and follow up is just a formality. I can check open Work Orders from any computer and sort the schedule by Client, Driver or Date. As long as we get our dispatching correct, Invoicing is a snap. I'm actually going fishing for a week and fell reasonably confident the shop will be here when I get back.